About Us

We are currently involved in the production of Improved Cook Stoves, Solar installations and Solar related products and Smart Agriculture.

Our strength is innovating new environmental friendly products.

Our aim is to help create a better future for our planet by reducing CO2 emissions and at the same time help achieve some Sustainable Development goals like Good Health, Climate Action, Life on Land, Affordable and Clean Energy, Decent Work and Economic Growth and many more.

Clean Cook Stove Outlook

Clean cooking is vital to combating global climate change and reducing environmental degradation. Cooking over polluting, open fires or inefficient stoves emits one-quarter of global black carbon emissions, the second largest contributor to climate change after carbon dioxide

The Problem


Globally, three billion people depend on polluted, open fires or inefficient stoves to cook their food, which is very hazardous to their health, the climate, and the environment. Inefficient combustion of solid fuels like wood, charcoal, animal dung, crop residue, and coal produce a range of climate-damaging emissions. Cooking this way may not only release greenhouse gases (GHGs) like carbon dioxide (CO2), but also short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs). The most significant SLCP emitted by traditional cooking practices is black carbon, a component of particulate matter emissions. Since the atmospheric lifetime of black carbon is only a few days, reducing black carbon emissions can bring about a more rapid climate response than reductions in GHGs alone. In addition, unsustainable harvesting of wood for fuel does not only contributes to forest and environmental degradation, but is a major driver of climate change.



In Ghana the practice of cooking overwoodfuel and charcoal results in high emissions carbon dioxide and health issues associated with indoor air pollution, primarily experienced by women who prepare food. This project distributes efficient cook stoves that require less wood and produce less smoke, alleviating deforestation and enabling healthier livelihoods.

Ghana is one of the largest per-capita consumer of charcoal in West Africa – approximately 69% of all urban households use charcoal. Alternatives such as Liquefied Petroleum Gas stoves are available but are expensive for users to refill, making the switch to cleaner energy difficult. The charcoal used for cooking contributes to carbon dioxide emissions, indoor air pollution and causes deforestation and desertification. Introducing improved Charcoal Cook Stoves will help slow down deforestation.


Environmental Impacts of Cooking

  • Traditional cooking emits 120 megatons of climate pollutants each year.
  • Up to 58% of black carbon emissions come from burning solid fuels for cooking and heating in homes.
  • Black carbon is the second largest contributor to climate change after carbon dioxide.
  • Sea ice melt is, in part, caused by black carbon emissions from cooking that end up being deposited in the Arctic.
  • Up to 34% of woodfuel harvested is unsustainable, contributing to forest degradation and climate change.
  • Over 275 million people live in woodfuel “hotspots,” which are areas where over 50% of woodfuel harvesting is unsustainable.


The Solution

Clean cooking is a proven and critical part of the climate solution. Today’s highly efficient stoves can reduce fuel use by 30-60%, resulting in fewer GHG and black carbon emissions. The global community cannot reach its goal of addressing climate change without addressing the way people cook. Scaling up clean cooking can help address climate change while simultaneously providing significant improvements to global health, as well as be of great benefit to women’s empowerment and local economies.

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